Anti-Defamation About Page with woman in front of monument
Anti-defamation League Antisemitism education landing page

Anti-defamation League | ADL.ORG

Developed flow and site structure for a complete overhaul of the Anti-Defamation League website and relaunch slated for 2022. Collaborated with development, design and nonprofit leadership teams to inform informational architecture, Search Engine Optimization keyword targets, and top performing pages on the educational site.


Found despite ranking on the search result for multiple articles and educational pages, users left the site quickly and missed out on the wealth of information the organization provides online. Needed to encourage user retention and simplify the flow of the site to assist educators, journalists, and organic traffic navigating the site for the first time.


  • Evaluated and targeted over 10,000 pages of content using SEMRush, Google Analytics and Screaming Frog, resulting in updated Resource Library, Blog, navigation structure, and overall site flow.

  • Implemented organic SEO strategy to encourage existing traffic and determined areas of growth potential, resulting in a SEO best practices guide tailored to the site goals.

CoCo COnsulting | 2020-2021

Connected with inclusivity team and leadership coach Valentina Coco to assist with the launch of her new site, based on recommendation from another project. The founder wanted to build brand recognition for in-person and remote trainings in Switzerland, where the practice is based. Her workplace coaching helps build more empathetic teams and equip leaders to promote employee wellbeing.


Distinguish Coco Consulting from other executive coaching and leadership courses within Switzerland. Messaging and keywords needed to focus on building the high-trust, high-performance concept. The business model also needed to adapt as the launch occurred at the start of the pandemic, limiting in-person coaching and international travel.


  • Built an SEO keyword strategy building on the inclusive leadership model, incorporating the messaging using best practices and language extrapolated from conversations with the founder.

  • Collaborated with the website developer, based in Mexico City, on the discovery process to inspire and inform visitors about how the high-trust model is differentiated in the coaching space.

  • Developed a cross-platform content strategy, resulting in individual goals and services to target with ongoing outreach across targeted social media platforms, the founder’s podcast, and a newsletter.